This is the hat to match the other one that I posted earlier, that I made for Ellie. This isn't Ellie of course, lol, it's the little sweetheart I babysit occasionally. It was a new knitting technique for me, slipped stitch color work. I found it on this
free pattern on Berroco yarn, I should have taken a closer picture of it.

This is the frame I made for Ellie's friend's Birthday this past weekend. She's 6 days older then Ellie. I knit her a cupcake hat, and matching little booties when she was born, and so I thought I would continue the theme. Her party had a "cupcake" theme as well. It turned out pretty good seeing as I forgot to buy modge podge and had to make due with a glue stick and some sealer, LoL. I used a peice of scrapbook paper, it turned out to fit Just right layout wise I think. I might have to make another one of these for my little cupcakes!